Thursday, April 26, 2007

Cover Love

Okay, I love this cover! It's for my July SSE, which begins a new Montana Mavericks miniseries called Striking It Rich.

I love how romantic it is, I love the light. Love that the heroine looks just as I pictured her--and as I described her in my cover art info, which I turned in a little before the manuscript was due. I love that the guy is yummy--even if my hero, Grant Clifton, would never wear his hair that way and is def older than the guy pictured here. Hey. Yummy is good. Yummy is very, very good.

I don't care that the scene is supposed to be a tack room and no tack room I ever heard of looked out a huge picture window onto a scene quite like the one we see here. Really, the whole effect is otherworldy--but somehow in a good, good way.

I don't even care that she seems to be holding her feet in mid-air for no discernable reason. I don't care that, really, why has he twisted his torso in that odd way, with one arm thrown back across that hay bale that resembles a section of sofa covered in sheepskin or maybe shaggy rope?

I don't care, I don't care.

I love, love, love this cover!

So. What do you think?


Anonymous said...

I think... you just made me laugh. Maybe she's working on flattening her tummy by holding her legs up like that.

It's still a beautiful cover. Very eye catching.

Anonymous said...

It is interesting, you mention the age thing, we have been talking about that. How most of the heroes are in their thirties, but all of the cover art guys are in their early twenties. Oh well, eye candy is eye candy.


Anonymous said...

Oops, I was going to say, pretty cover.


Anonymous said...


I am thrilled that you are thrilled. Clearly you have had some disappointments in this department--so I am so pleased that you are getting what you want.

yeah for you!

Husker Kim


Clearly he is a hunk! :)

Anonymous said...

Wonderful cover! The cover gods were good to you this time, very eye-catching. I'll keep my fingers crossed that it's a big seller!

Personally I try not to look too close to the covers once it catches my eye--I don't want to see all little things aren't just right LOL

I only have to wait a couple of months and I'll get another Christine Rimmer fix, yeah!!


Anonymous said...

And yet another cheer for a nice cover! Can you tell us a little about this new MM series???

Durango Kim

Christine Rimmer said...

Rinda--that must be it. Smooching and exercising, both at the same time!

Cady, yes! The models they get for the men are too young. Some of them don't even look like they go for women. At least this guy is hunky and hot. *sigh*

And Cady, LOL. Yep. Pretty!

Husker Kim, well I am very picky. I see things wrong with covers when everyone else thinks they're perfectly fine. So really, I'm spoiled! And I like it that way.

Barbs, Xoxoxoxo. Yes, it's true. Sometimes even *I*, the hard-to-please kind, am happy with my cover.

Durango Kim, thanks! Telling more about the series--great idea. I'll blog on it as it comes closer to release. This was fun to write as when you do one of these publisher-generated series, they give you the basic outline of your story and you're supposed to make it work. With this one, I didn't like the basic outline at all and changed just about everything. But we were all happy with the finished product, so it's all good!

Lnanaa said...

The cover of this book caught my eye and it's the first book I've read by you. I absolutely loved the story and I am now trying to catch up on your other books. :)