Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Summer heat, frizzy hair....

We got it! The summer heat,I mean. Seriously.

Yeah, it's only in the nineties. But the heat and UV index is high. Translation: feels hotter than it is. And it's sticky. I go outside and my hair is instantly a mass of fuzzy bedheadedness. The DH loves my hair this way. Cracks me up. I think he likes it when I look like I spend so much time in bed, I don't have the energy to comb my hair when I get up.

I so wish! My life is just too busy to spend it all in bed. And with all the products and devices I use on my hair, well, it so shouldn't frizz like this.

But I remember the up side. The loving smile on the DH's face because I just look so sexy with my hair in a frizzy mass around my face.

And speaking of bedhead, Zac Ephron has a tip for totally sex bedhead hair:
"I’ve never told anyone this before. This is a hair scoop. Shower before you go to bed, and then sleep on your wet hair. Towel-dry it. In the morning, it’s all messed up naturally. If you have that messed-up thing going when you wake up, it’s more willing to stay that way."

Here's Zac fixing his hair:

WTG, Zac!

So how's the weather where you are?


Becca said...

Love a good chat about the weather.
It's getting colder here but we don't hit snow or anything in adelaide. Just some rain and miserableness. We have a huge rainwater tank so checking the rain amount each morning is an, ah, exciting part of winter. Ok... i admit we're pretty unexciting...

Christine Rimmer said...

Rain and miserableness. It's what's happening here, too, Becca. Only sweaty rain and miserableness. Not exciting either, I confess. :)