Monday, May 21, 2012

Gone to the Beach...

Or rather, I was gone. This weekend.  It was lovely, just me and my husband.  We walked and we enjoyed the small fishing town of Garibaldi, Oregon.  This picture was taken on the beach at Oceanside.  What a great time we had.

And now...back to work. A proposal to write for book four of the BRAVO ROYALES and then on to write the mauscript for book three.

We had a week of gorgeous days here in Portland, but today we're back to rainy with clouds.  It's okay.  It's sunny in my heart!  ;)

To the left?  Driftwood on that same Oceanside Beach.

Wanted to take the train tour of Tillamook Bay.  But the tours don't start till next week.  So I settled for standing on the steps....


Anonymous said...

I am very late to the party! Super awesome pic of the beach. All that empty space behind you - lovely. I need to live near the ocean *sigh*.

Good luck with the proposal and hope your muse is on your side writing book 3!


Christine Rimmer said...

Marcie, hey! Thanks for coming by. I've been neglecting this blog lately. Still working away at that proposal. Sometimes it just takes time....

Happy reading and writing!